Cinema Week
If you’re looking to stay up to date with the film world so you can plan your cozy movie-marathon weekends in advance, you are in the right place. Every week we suggest a must-to-watch film. Here, you will find all our suggestions for films that will entertain your mind and soul; movies with social, and environmental messages, documentaries, short films, narratives and many otherts. Most of our suggestions can be found in CINOBO. Enjoy!
The Georgian director Zaza Urushadze creates a humble, quiet and touching anti-war drama that reminds us of all that unites and divides people, even in an armed conflict. An unexpected, as well as a fair, nomination for the 2015 Foreign Language Oscar.
During the civil war between the Chechens and the Georgians in 1992, an elderly man will decide to stay behind in order to harvest his crops and tangerines. When, after a battle, he will have to take care of two survivors, one from each side, he will see the true face of division.

Sami Blood
Is it possible for a person to physically and spiritually change in the course of his life, having acceptance as a self-goal? With realism and boldness, a young director from Denmark describes a painstakingly hidden long-standing case of racism that victimized native Northern European Sami people.
A tribute to those who remained in – but also those who left - a society on the edge of the world and at the same time an alternative, personal narrative about the colonial past of a "civilized" country, through the eyes and experiences of a teenager.

The Salt Of Earth
They say a picture is worth a thousand words. And don’t things become more immediate when there’s the testimony of an image? Wim Wenders, in his Oscar-nominated documentary, follows photographer and activist Salgado, who has been capturing neglected societies on the fringes of civilization for decades.
For the past 40 years, photographer Sebastiao Salgado has been travelling across the continents, recording humanity’s impact and witnessing major events of our recent history. Present during wars, famines, refugee waves, companion of people from all over the world, he continues to travel, seeking pristine spots, wild flora and fauna and majestic landscapes, on a mission to record the beauty of planet Earth.

White God
The most unexpected fantasy allegory of recent European cinema. The Hungarian Kornél Mundruczó ("Pieces of a Woman", "Jupiter's Moon") portrays a story of collectivism and rebellion from the perspective of a dog and its owner, a young girl. Won the Best Film Award in the Un Certain Regard section of the Cannes Film Festival.
13-year-old Lily tries to save her dog, Hagen. Disappointed, she gets into a fight with her father about Hagen’s "disappearance" and sets out to find and rescue him. Hagen, for his part, is also trying to get back to his owner. Struggling to survive in a world full of mischief, Hagen soon realizes that there are only a few people that love dogs. Indeed, when he gets caught by an animal control officer his future does not look so auspicious so he and the other stray dogs will revolt against humanity. Only Lily, perhaps, is the one who can prevent this battle.

One of the most important directors of independent cinema, with awarded masterpieces in her filmography (Red Road, Fish Tank, American Honey) turns to documentary in an original and poetic way, able to rock the way in which we see animals.
Cinematic portrait of the life of two dairy cows, that brings us closer to their beauty and the challenges they face in their everyday life, making us see in a realistic and not romantic way, everything that they offer us.

Don't Worry, He Won't Get Far on Foot
Aided by Joaquin Phoenix's once-excellent performance, Gus van Sand seeks out the light in the dark and turns the tortured life of comedian John Callahan into an anthem about the redemptive nature of creation.
This is the type of data you want to display on the Internet or if you want it to be different.

The Square
How does art talk about art? Ruben Östlund plays around with surrealism, satire and physical comedy, following the moral and professional dilemmas of a museum director setting up a controversial new exhibit and triggering massive reactions. Palme d’Or in Cannes.
The intelligent and handsome curator of a contemporary art museum is divorced, a devoted father, drives an electric car and supports charitable organizations. The new exhibition he has curated is an installment that invites people to consider altruism and promotes responsibility towards our fellow human beings. Sometimes, though, it's hard to live up to your own ideals. The curator reacts strangely to the theft of his mobile and gets into embarrassing situations. Both him and the museum are facing existential crises.

Florida Project
What's the flip side of the Disney dream? Next to the dreamy Florida Disneyworld, children build their own dominions and struggle to survive. Little chunks of life, sometimes hilarious, sometimes heartbreaking, in a colorful paradigm of contemporary neorealist cinema.
This is the story of a wild 6-year-old and her fearless friends. Their summer is full of wonders, bewilderment, and exciting adventures, while the adults around them have to face a harsh reality.