Are you aware of slow fashion's environmental and social impact?
The term ‘fast fashion’ refers to cheaply produced and priced garments that copy the latest catwalk styles and get pumped quickly through stores in order to maximize current trends.
Clothing production consumes resources and contributes to climate change. According to Fashion Revolution, the raw materials used to make fast fashion clothes require land and water, or the extraction of fossil fuels. This means that the production itself is already cruel to the environment.
But what about slow fashion?
Slow fashion is not really a new concept. Actually, fashion used to be always “slow” before. Slow fashion is having now a big comeback and we hope it stays this time as it has many benefits. Not only for the environment but also for the people behind the clothes. The ateliers or small factories are producing clothing in smaller batches and they are normally of high-quality materials and careful manufacture.
Slow fashion challenges the obsession with mass production and paves the way for a new and better manner of consuming fashion
Sustainable fashion can be considered a change in the ways of thinking, wearing, and enjoying fashion that values diversity, prosperity, and the well-being of both people and the environment.
SAFEST aims to raise awareness of the impact of the fashion industry on the environment and the role consumers can play in changing this attitude and making a positive impact on reaching the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the European Green Deal objectives.

Kick-off Meeting
The kick-off meeting of the project took place in Stockholm, Sweden, along with our partners:

International Pilot Event
From the 17th to the 21st of January the International Pilot event under the project SAFEST was held in Valencia, Spain.
15 participants from Spain, Italy and Sweden gathered to explore the impact that fast fashion has on the environment, as well as on the lives of the people in the industry.
Participants learned how to upcycle their old clothes instead of rushing to buy new ones which also prompted their ideas of sustainable and ethical fashion businesees.

Final Evaluation Meeting
The Final Evaluation Meeting took place in Salerno, Italy and it was hosted by Base NGO